Photographer: Kristian Piccoli

World Ranking | Country Ranking | Last Year's Points |
62th | 4th | -- |
Honor Points : 40 | -- |

Master Photog. AIPP,
Master Photog. NZIPP,
Master WPE
International Studio Photographer of the Year 2018. SWIPP
Avant-Garde Photographer of the Year 2019 SWPP
Avant-Garde, Visual Narrative, Illustrative, In Camera Artistry & International Photographer of the Year 2020 SWPP
With more than 20 years of experience as a portrait photographer Kristian Piccoli possesses a keen sense of the avant-garde.
Passionate and deeply intuitive, with an eye for the unusual, he has developed a strong following for the sensitivity and strong narrative vision contained within his images.
To Kristian, photography is not merely picture taking. It is capturing memories, the essence of a moment, the smallest glimpse of a person you might have only met minutes before.