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Photographer: Alex Fung

Hong Kong
Alex Fung
Distinguished of WPE
World Ranking Country Ranking Last Year's Points
494th 13th 1187th
Honor Points : 7.5 --
Photographer Alex Fung

「夢境」,夢境這個字可以簡單去表達我藝術作品創作的過程。相對於一步步去構思作品如何創作,我的創作過程更加似「夢境」一樣出現得無跡可尋突然又瞬間地浮現於我腦海之中,而我只是將「腦海中已創作完成的影象」重新複製於現實世界。 - Alex Fung
“Dream” may describe the creative process of my work. Comparing with step-by-step development, my process is more like a flash of “dream” in my mind, and I just create the “dream” in reality. - Alex Fung|

英國倫敦Influx Gallery藝術館名人堂之一及藝術家代表
Influx Gallery Hall of Fame & Featured Artist Representation with Influx Gallery, Notting Hill, London|

International Photography competition Judge|

World's Top 10 Wedding Photographer - One Eyeland|

China's Top 10 Wedding Photographer - One Eyeland|

PPAC 國際十大攝影師
PPAC's Top 10 International Photographer|

AsiaWPA 年度二十大攝影師
AsiaWPA's Top 20 Photographers of the year|

Hong Kong's Top 10 Wedding Photographer - One Eyeland|

One Eyeland年度百大攝影師
One Eyeland's Top 100 Photographer|

WPE 世界百大攝影師
WPE World's Top 100 Photographer|

Cosmos Awards & PPAC 攝影大師
Cosmos Awards & PPAC Master |

Alex was won more than 200 International photography award.

Award winning photos