Photographer: Nikolai Grishin

World Ranking | Country Ranking | Last Year's Points |
6297th | 423th | 1227th |
Honor Points : 0 | -- |

My name is Nikolai, and I am fond of photography. My grandfather and father were also engaged in photography. You can say that I am a photographer in the third generation. So, my passion for her began in childhood. At first it was developing the film and printing the footage in a storeroom with a red lamp. One of my first cameras was a Sketch, and then Smena 8m. But at that time I was more attracted not to shooting, but to the process of developing and printing frames. From about 1993 to 2013, I didn't do photography at all. 1999 became interested in amateur hockey. in 2014, after an injury, he graduated from hockey and began helping, at that time, the children's hockey team of the city of Korolev, initially as a goalkeeping coach, and then as a photographer. Since 2016, he began to study photography more closely and organized a small, modest home photo studio for himself. I shoot mostly female portraits. And the longer I do photography, the more I like it. I also like to shoot when it's some kind of thoughtful image or an interesting idea.